This collection is complete.

Poems in Trespasses Forgive Us are numbered and published beginning from one. There are 59 in total.

Red Ribbon | Dirt | Apollo's | Old Gossip | Vegas Lights - October 1st, 2017 | Dinner | The Walk | Watch | Nothing Will Take You | Canyon Deep | Typeface | Asked | Desert | Bright | Stat | Honored | Jesus Cole | Walls | Abraham of Paha Sapa | Abraham the Ruin | Sacrifice Moses | Hear Tell | News | Metis Eats | Class | Trails | Feather | Fair Ground | Choices | Sodom And | Blooming Cross | Flag | Exhibit | Ghost Worship - November 5th, 2017 | Tis of Thee | From | 40 | Born Here | Glimpses | Left Over | Come Down | Seasoning | Baucis and Philemon, Again | Captain | Buses | Fontanelle | Poetry | Chosen Separate | Glimmer | Stars | Shine | Rituals | Language | Arabesque | Grand | Da-Nah-Wah'uwsdi | Blankets | Industry | A Number

To experience the collection sequentially, you should begin from poem number 1: Red Ribbon

Joshua Hannum Joshua Hannum

41: Come Down

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” - Albert Einstein

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Trespasses Forgive Us Joshua Hannum Trespasses Forgive Us Joshua Hannum

55: Grand

A pattern is a mental model. Our mental models hold up a reality for us. If you would like to change your reality, change your model. The model is full of belief. To change belief you must release and grow. Can you identify the circle in this poem?

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