This collection is complete.
Poems in Trespasses Forgive Us are numbered and published beginning from one. There are 59 in total.
Red Ribbon | Dirt | Apollo's | Old Gossip | Vegas Lights - October 1st, 2017 | Dinner | The Walk | Watch | Nothing Will Take You | Canyon Deep | Typeface | Asked | Desert | Bright | Stat | Honored | Jesus Cole | Walls | Abraham of Paha Sapa | Abraham the Ruin | Sacrifice Moses | Hear Tell | News | Metis Eats | Class | Trails | Feather | Fair Ground | Choices | Sodom And | Blooming Cross | Flag | Exhibit | Ghost Worship - November 5th, 2017 | Tis of Thee | From | 40 | Born Here | Glimpses | Left Over | Come Down | Seasoning | Baucis and Philemon, Again | Captain | Buses | Fontanelle | Poetry | Chosen Separate | Glimmer | Stars | Shine | Rituals | Language | Arabesque | Grand | Da-Nah-Wah'uwsdi | Blankets | Industry | A Number
To experience the collection sequentially, you should begin from poem number 1: Red Ribbon
41: Come Down
“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.” - Albert Einstein
42: Seasoning
Our love is like the seasons. The seasons are lovers of legend. Follow step.
46: Fontanelle
Writing is a dance with definition. Words are our building blocks and we use them to make all our little borders. You and me, exist in the words.
48: Chosen Separate
We label our actions with little understanding or thought for what our decisions become. The Universe is on our side. Good … bad … this is a label … and for whom?
52: Rituals
The reckoning is a dance. It is this fancy balancing wherein the placement of Shiva’s foot impregnates the shape.
54: Arabesque
We are the movements and the creators. The arabesque is a posture and a pattern. Or it’s a passage of song brightening up the melody.